Monday, February 7, 2011

Gratitude and Gifts

Jesus blesses us with love "gifts" every day. Many we miss. There's joy in giving thanks and gratitude for God's gifts and He deserves to be thanked. There's power in Praise.
Continuing to count my gifts #265-284

Every day is a new day. His mercies are new every morning!

I love that I can be broken and still have a thankful heart.

the joy of gifting Ann's 1000 gifts book to a friend that introduced me to Ann's blog awhile back.

my looking forward to renewal group on Tues. nights. I've found much joy in relating to my sisters in Christ through our struggles, our victories, and our progress towards renewal in Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

the way my heart leaps when My husband comes home from school and is full of excitement. It does my heart good to know that I am healthy enough now for him to follow his heart and do something for Himself to enjoy!

My 4 yr. old's Abby's chubby cute piggy toes.

The giggle that flows freely from that same girly 4 yr old.

My 2 yr. old JM running around with a bundle of energy and life!

My feelings do not reflect truth. My perceptions do not reflect truth.

God IS truth.

The truth sets us free.

God's pursuit of us is relentless and never ending and has nothing to do with our performance.

My sweet 3 girls making valentine cards for their friends and family, on their own with paper, scissors, and crayons.

The tender embrace of my 6 yr old Sarah's love through touch.

Striped tights that my girls wear that make me smile.


Prayers from friends and family

One day all tears will be washed away, all pain gone, just pure wholeness in Heaven.

God wants us and gives life here, now.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful list, Becky. Thank you for sharing about how your young ones were making valentines for friends and family on their own. :)
