Sunday, July 11, 2010

12th Anniversary!!

Us today in the smoky mountains... we used a cheez-its box and domino sugar box to rig our camera LOL!!
Today is Marc and I's 12th anniversary
We're on a week long vacation with NO kids, this is the first time we've been without kids for more than 3 days.
I married the man of my dreams, and he is truly my knight in shining armor. He has been a beautiful example of Jesus's love and I have much respect and deep love and admiration for him.
Looking back over the last 12 years... wow we've been through so much together. There's no one else I'd rather have spent it with and no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with.
We've had so many awesome times, so many experiences of learning and growing, and so many painful times too.
All woven together Jesus has made it beautiful. We could have never experienced all we have without Jesus.
I'm awed by Marc's endurance and perseverence and commitment to me. I'm honored to have his love and often can't believe that Jesus loves me so much that He would bless me with this incredible man.
I've struggled emotionally a lot over the years of our marriage and looking back we both grieve the impact those struggles have had on us, as individuals, as husband and wife, and as parents. If we hadn't had the love of Jesus as our first love we wouldn't have been able to survive. God's grace has covered us and helped us weather the storms. His love has also
More than anything I've learned that God has a deep love is all consuming and His faithfulness is never ending.
The best is yet to come.

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