Saturday, July 21, 2012

Isaiah, my firstborn, turns 13 today...

Dear Isaiah,
What can I say? 3lbs. to 13 yrs. Today! Well first of all, you have some how managed to get around my no turning 10 rule, and now somehow you have ignored my NO turning 13 rule too. I guess I can't blame you. God did make you to grow and change and I have to say I have enjoyed every age.

       You were the first child to call me Mommy, You were the first of my 6 joys! God has blessed me so beyond what I could have imagined when He gave me you. You and I have been through a lot haven't we?
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, through the pregnancy, to birth, through the years up till now, it has all been a gift, all of it. Good bad, easy hard, it's all God's goodness.

     Here's what I want to tell you..
      You are precious. Precious to God, Precious to me, Precious to Daddy, Precious to our family, and it extends out to all of us who really know you. You are flat out Precious! Do you know what precious means? I looked it's definition up just so I could make sure you know what I mean when I say you are precious...

1. Of high cost or worth; valuable.
2. Highly esteemed; cherished.
3. Dear; beloved.
You know what I thought was cool when I read that? It says "beloved". That's what your middle name means as well.... Beloved.  
      Isaiah when I think about you my heart just feels this intense love, appreciation, and admiration for who you are.   
      You have this tenderness about you that cares for people, you care about Jesus, you are deep, you think about deep things, you put thought into what you see and hear around you. 
     You are imaginative. God has given you a great mind and the ability to think up and imagine things that aren't necessarely reality or even realistic. That's so fun!
     You are funny. You have this type of humor like Daddy, it's hard to tell sometimes when you are joking and being funny. Sometimes I miss the humor, but when I get it I love it!
     You have a servant heart. You desire to help people, you give of yourself. You do this in such precious ways for me, and that means so much to me. I want you to know that when you help me, when you ask me what I need, if you see a need and you help, you Bless me so much! Jesus is able to use you. He uses you every day.
     You are intuitive. That means you sense things around you ,  You have good insight, you can see truth in ways some can't. I love that and that is a gift also. God can use that ability to be sensitive to carry out his purposes, and to allow you to be part of what He uses. If you are thinking, sensing things around you, having insight God can work through you.
     You are sensitive. This one is similar to intuitive.  You are aware of others, you are aware of how people may feel, and you are affected by those things. You think about others feelings, you feel deeply. When your loved ones hurt, you hurt. You have demonstrated this trait so beautifully when people are hurting or when something is sad. You feel it. That's a gift too. When you are sensitive God can count on you to be there, watching, sensing, and He will also use your sensitivity to people, their feelings, and your surroundings as means for Him to love people and help them. You can bless people by just noticing things and encouraging them with kind words or by helping them do something. You've shown your sensitivity many times, but one of the ways I can think of right away is how sensitive you are to others being bullied. You care about those people and you notice when they are hurt. You can see how that is affecting them, and because of that you are able to reach out and help them not be left out etc.  This is a heart like Jesus.
    Isaiah, you are an amazing guy. You have a wonderful personality, you are fun to be with, you think up such awesome things, all your games, stories, comics, made up characters, mindcraft ideas... all of that is fun.
     But what makes you the most amazing is that God created you and you are made in His image. I love who He has made you to be.
     Don't forget that God has created you for His purposes, He has created you for His pleasure, that means He is pleased with you. You don't need to do anything, be good at anything, (though you are!) earn or do good for God. He loves you just as you are.  
     I can't wait to see what the next 13 years will look like for you. God has big plans for you, and you are right where He wants you to be! 
     You are a gift to me, you are a blessing, you are wonderful. I am proud of you and proud to call you my son.
I love you Isaiah David Dunlap!  Happy 13th Birthday!!
Love, Mommy

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